Aicha Bammoun

Consultant on STI and Biodiversity, Woman in sciences

A considerable part of Dr. Aicha Bammoun professional career dealt with close links to a wide range of national and international interactions between universities, research centers, and the private sector in the areas of sustainable development of biodiversity and natural resources management. She has extensive experience in identifying priority areas in a multi-priority environment and developing monitoring plan.

As the Program Director for Science and Technology at Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), she dealt with many groups such as policy makers, international organizations, academic institutions, NGOs and other beneficiary stakeholders (students, professionals, scientists, etc.). She developed clear goals and Action Plans in Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) for the benefit of the 54 Members States.

She held positions as a Lead person within multidisciplinary teams. She acted as the focal point for International Plan Genetic Resource Institute (IPGRI) for the Central West Asia and North Africa region. As such, she was responsible for providing the national and regional partners with best practices and lesson learned from global project on in situ conservation of biodiversity and knowledge transfer to the regional and national levels.

Her extensive experience included programs and projects dealing with biodiversity conservation, ecotourism, climate change, renewable energies, natural disaster, space sciences and digital technology applied to the environment. In addition, she contributed in developing science, technology, and innovation strategies and policies. She has broad experience in human capacity building in science and technology.

In addition, and in the early stages of her career, she has been involved in agriculture research projects cereal breeding program for drought stress, salinity, cross breeding program targeting different ecosystems and climate change issue, food security, conservation of agro-biodiversity and its sustainable use, legislation, etc.). She contributed successfully in mapping the potentialities and land use in different agriculture ecosystems based on physiological aspects and adaptation of genotypes to the abiotic stress and environmental factors.

Dr. Bammoun has actively participated in many international regional and national events such as seminars, workshops, and training courses. She published technical reports and scientific articles on issues related to conservation, ecosystems, natural resources management, and biodiversity.

Dr. Bammoun received her PhD in Biotechnology from the University of Science and Technology in Constantine, Algeria while she conducted her thesis research at the International Center for Agriculture Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA).